Folder 17

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Folder 17



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      Language and script notes

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      Acquisition and appraisal elements

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      Related descriptions

      General note

      1962 May 02, 1 p. no env. Letter to Folks “We think here they don’t have a job for me and so they are waiting as long as they can to avoid sending my household effects. If travel orders come without an assignment here they could ship my household effects and then if they assigned me in this direction they would refuse to return my household effects. Of course I wonder if I have any household effects. They may all be rotted and rusted;”
      1962 May 04, 1 p. no env. Letter to Folks “The attitude toward work here is the worst I’ve ever experienced, you’d never believe it if I told you;” “Forgot to tell you that all Liberian help call every Am. Woman ‘Missie’ except those to which they want to give great respect. My driver calls me ‘My Old Ma’ which is an epitaph of deep respect but I can scarily keep a strait face when he says it.”
      1962 May 22, 1 p. no env. Letter to Folks Told a story about an alcoholic wife in Liberia who, while her husband was away, turned on the gas with a lit cigarette in her mouth and almost blew up her face and her apartment and it’s become a controversy around the post.
      1962 May 22, 1 p. no env. Letter to Folks Complains that she’s been working three months on a poster and has had little to no help on it, “Every time I go they have the most fantastic story of why it isn’t done. ‘The sec is working on it’ that’s been for two days. That’s less than a word a day;” describes a couple tragedies in the field, “we’ve had some terrible things happen here that I can’t repeat so I’m low.”
      1962 May 25, 1 p. no env. Letter to Folks Is working to get High School Juniors apprentice jobs in Home Ec.; “Helen let the cat out of the bag. She said she was telling one of the men in Ed. what a terrific quantity of teaching material I had put out and he said, ‘I didn’t know she did things like that;’” “I think now I wouldn’t mind staying here another year. It seems too bad that it takes one a whole year to be accepted professionally and socially.”

      Specialized notes

      Alternative identifier(s)

      Archon Collection Content ID


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