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Folders 16-18

"The Effects of Filial Responsibility Expectations on Intergenerational Exchanges in Urban China,"by D. Adamchak and S. Chen, Hallym International Journal of Aging, 1999, Sociological Spectrum, 1998, Sociological Perspectives, 1998, Family Relations, 1999, Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1996, The Gerontologist, 1997, Sociological Focus, 1999.

Folders 14-15

"Unmet need for Family Planning in Jamaica," by Michelle Chiezah and Donald Adamchak, 1994 Population Association of America Annual Meeting, letters, drafts, charts.

Folders 13-15

Sociology 730, fall, class material, 1985; Sociology 931, spring, class material, 1985 TWO FILES ADDED; Sociology [?], final test, 1987 ADDED

Folders 1-3

American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, 1994, Washington D.C. letters, event information, "An Analysis of Direct and Indirect Determinants of Fertility in Pakistan," by D. Adamchak and R. Qureshi.

Folders 1-3

"Patterns of Conception, Natality and Mortality From Midwestern Cemeteries: A Sociological Analysis of Historical Data," by D. Adamchak, G. Foster, R. Hummel, Sociological Quarterly, 1997.

Folders 12-13

"Determinants of Fertility in Pakistan: Is There a Culturally Defined minimum Number of Children?," by Rashida Qureshi & Donald Adamchak, draft copies, letters, notes.

Folders 12-13

RF Columbia first report, "Evaluation Columbia University Center for Population and Family Health Technical Assisatance to African Institutions Involved in Population and Family Planning," co-authored by D. Adamchak, notes, information.

Folders 12-13

"The Effects of Age Structure on the Labor Force and Retirement in China,"by D. Adamchak, The Social Science Journal, Aging and Society, Asia-Pacific Development Journal, 1995-1999.

Folders 1-2

The Gerontologist, "Becoming Prisoners of Desert Space: Welfare Support for Israeli Negev Bedouin Elders During Spatial-Ecological Transformation," 1992.

Folders 10-11

"The Relationship between Socioecomic Status, HIV/AIDS and other STD?s in Uganda," by D. Adamchak, and Harry L. Vogel, Social Science and Medicine, Health Transition Review, 6.18.98, letters, comments, etc.

Folders 10-11

Sociology 211, fall, class material, 1983 NEW FILE ADDED; Sociology 730, class material, 1983; Sociology 931, spring, class material, 1983; Sociology 730, fall, class material, 1984; Sociology 730, fall, class material, 1985

Folders 10-11

"Population Ageing and Support of the Elderly: A Kenya Profile,"by D. Adamchak and S. Kimuna, Southern African Journal of Gerontology,1999.

Folder 9

International Family Planning Perspectives, "Family Planning, Attitudes and Practices of Males in Ilorin Nigeria," 7/1990

Folder 9

"Research on the Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Mortality in the United States: 1960-1975," by D. Adamchak, E. Stockwell, and J. Wicks, Social Statistics Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, 1977.

Folder 8

Studies in Family Planning, "Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Family Planning Among Female Civil Servants in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria," 1992.

Folder 8

"Determinants of Fertility in Pakistan: Does Education, Work, and Family Planning Make A Difference?" ,Rashida Qureshi & Donald Adamchak, Population Research and Policy Review, 9/1994, Demography, 9/1994, letters, notes.

Folder 73

Rural Sociology, "Determinants of 1980 to 1990 net Migration in Texas Counties: The Role of Sustenance Specialization and Dominance in International Ecosystems," 1993.

Folder 72

International Family Planning Perspectives, "Agreement and Discussion Between Partners in Ghana and their Importance for the Adoption of Contraception," 1993.

Folder 70

Rural Sociology, "Determinants of 1980 to 1990 net migration in Texas Counties: The Role of Sustenance Specialization and Dominance in International Ecosystems," 1993.